Friday, February 28, 2014

Sunset Surfer Silhouette

That's a lot of "S's" in the title.  Try to say that out loud three times quickly.  The California coast offers many wonderful photographic opportunities -- not the least of which are surfers and sunsets.  So, why not combine the two.  I went to the beach in anticipation of an epic colorful sunset but the thick marine layer just wouldn't cooperate.  The muted colors of the sunset gave me an idea to use the strong leading line and intricate geometric patterns of the pier against the surfer in slight silhouette.  I wanted this shot to be subtle and relaxed to match the feeling I had while enjoying the beautiful evening.  The gentle sound of the small waves crashing, feeling of wet sand under my feet, ever so slight chill in the winter air,  and  the sweet smell of salt air in my nose.

It was a wonderful evening at the beach.

For the techies out there the shot was made with a Fuji XE-1, f-11, 1/1100 sec, ISO 800, hand held.  Shot in Jpeg and adjusted in LR5.

Molly Dog Images Fine Art Website 

~ Johnnymac

Monday, February 10, 2014

Bridge of San Juan County

Bridges.  They are constructed in all shapes, sizes and take the traveler to destinations known and unknown.

This particular bridge, less than .25 miles, is located in San Juan county, Utah on the Navajo Indian Reservation. 

Steel, wood, concrete come together and create a thing of beauty and necessity. 

We enjoy this alternative route to Interstate 70 and Interstate 15, on our way to California or Arizona.  The red earth has a certain bit of mysticism to it.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Who? Us?

Although we are in the throws of winter,  looking through the catalog of previous pictures allows me to find shots that I put aside, for no particular reason.

During one of the many walks my wife and I took on the 35 acres of land we called home during the summer and fall season, some of our constant yet elusive neighbors made an appearance. 

Imagine our surprise, while rounding a corner, to suddenly be sharing the same wooded space, each enjoying a warm day, taking it all in, knowing that old man winter was slowly making his way towards us. 

These youngsters seemed rather brave, in addition to  being curious, which explains why they did not run off.  Rather, they stood for a few moments, allowing me to get a few photographs of them.  Nature seems to set the terms for encounters; although man might think to the contrary.

Regardless - this trio obliged me, and after a few moments, we all continued on our afternoon jaunt.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Window on the World

The sun can cast its' rays and intensity as it wishes.  Along the west coast, sunsets on the Pacific Coast are irreproachable and untouchable.  

My wife Ann spent her childhood on these shores.  During a recent trip, we made the mecca to the Ventura Keys, and the captivating ocean.  We sat on the beach where she once built sand castles with her Dad,  dined on PBJs, and allowed the serene beauty of the last daylight minutes  to soak in.  As I looked over my shoulder, I caught the bronzed windows in crowning glory.

The sound of frothy waves were our serenade song, light breezes and sand made the experience  sublime and my wife Ann had a perfectly content smile on her face. 
the days of yesteryear are at my doorstep. my heart is full of happy memories.  the ocean is my constant companion, my husband, the love of my life, brings joy to my heart.  toes dig deep in the cool sand and i am suddenly captivated in sheer bliss.  **ann** 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sailing Towards the Horizon

With record high temperatures in southern California during December, the beach was alive with sun soakers and castle builders during the Christmas holiday.  

Near crystal clear skies; the result of Santa Ana winds,  made for pristine sunsets where Anacapa Island could be seen without a curtain of coastal fog.

A lonely lifeguard shacks sits quietly on Hollywood Beach, in Port Hueneme, CA.  A sailboat can be seen in the waters, and a solo jogger, stopped to watch as the last of the sun's warmth dips below the horizon.  Sunset kisses, dreams and colors envelop the eye of the sand covered admirer.