Sunday, February 3, 2013

Union Drive or Rodeo?

Taken with a Canon point and shoot 2 years ago, I enjoy this picture.  It was Mother's Day weekend, and our son, a master culinary genius, dragged us to the heart of the barrio in search of some dive that excelled in the art of burritos. Most great chefs seem to just know the best dives.  The cafe was closed, but we took the opportunity to wander the mean streets of Los Angeles' poorer neighborhood.  My wife, a native of Los Angeles admitted to never being in this neck of the woods.  We stumbled upon a voodoo/Santaria store, and once inside, my wife looked towards the ceiling, saw the pelt of a dog, turned on her heel, and out the door she went.  My guess was that she was irked by the fact that it was Mother's Day, and our way of honoring her was to show her the other side of a dime.  I suppose she had something else in mind.

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