Thursday, August 29, 2013

Into the Fold

Wild roses are in abundance during the lazy dog days of August.  Mother Nature's final gift to the lover of aromatic petals; the wild rose bursts on the scene.  Passionate pink blooms decorate the garden.  Eventually colder nights will send these brilliant buds to repose, but until then, my wife and I enjoy the gift of utopia in the garden.

"... My wild Irish Rose, the sweetest flower that grows.  You may search everywhere, but none can compare with my wild Irish Rose.   My wild Irish Rose, the dearest flower that grows,  And some day for my sake, she may let me take the bloom from my wild Irish Rose..."  Chauncey Olcott

Friday, August 23, 2013

A son and his father

Not our usual blog today, but a toss back to 25 years ago, at least!  Some of you reading the blog today will recognize the faces in this somewhat faded photograph.  My brother in law Paul and my father in law Peter posing for a photo.  Fathers and sons share a special bond, as do fathers and daughters.  Peter was a man of gentle nature, captivating story telling; a true Irish trait, and a love for his children and wife that knew no bounds.  He touched many lives during his lifetime, mine included.  My father in law was truly unique, and I greatly admired his sharp wit, endless patience and ability to touch a stranger's life; exuding the complete essence of a Christian.  Peter left this world far too young, but I remember him with love and the times we were able to spend together.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Controversy - A photographer's Opinion

One of the controversies of becoming a photographer is realizing that a single photo can speak volumes,  raise questions and stir discussion/debate.  Upon a recent adventure to Wyoming, we arrived in Casper to discover this silent, yet stirring display relating to abortion, which was on the private property of the local catholic church.  The message was concise and to the point.  Whatever your opinion towards this delicate topic, the responsibility of the photographer is to step outside his/her own opinion, and capture the passion of the subject.  Whether pro-life or pro-abortion, the camera lens sees only the reflection of events at hand.  While my wife and I were emotionally moved by this gracious and powerful scene; we were pleased by the sight for freedom of speech and how it is respected in a small cowboy town.  The question begs for an answer - How long would this silent protest last in your town before someone marred the message?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Beauty of the Ocean

Home.  Pacific Coast Highway, at the south end of Pt. Magu, on a day that makes southern California the utopia it is. A breathtaking late summer day, looking out on the ocean, and I am rejuvenated.  My spirit renewed.  The sound as the ocean waves pound the shoreline is like a lullaby, serenading me to sleep.  Gentle winds rush down from the nearby Santa Monica mountains, and warm the sand like a blanket.  The salty air is easy on the lungs, and gifts from the sun gods warm my weary body.  Life is good.

...nature's fury, rolls upon the sand in perfect harmony.  the white moon pulls at the tide, in and out, like clockwork. sand between my toes, warmth through my hair, sea salt on my lips. love songs from the water's embrace.

Ann McArthur 8/17/13

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The American Pony - Mustang

Ah, the passion of FORD.  American born, bred, built and bought, the Ford Mustang has stood the tick - tock of time.  The true Mustang; whether made of steel and sweet sweat or that of a sleek, muscular body, coursing through a field of tall grass, this symbol depicts all emotion American -  its stubborn strength and true grit.  Black and white captures the soul of this particular mustang.  However, if truth be told, nothing or no one will truly come to harness the power of the pony on this grill, FORD Motor Company or the trickle of a hard day's work from man and beast alike.  American born and bred.  The American red, white and blue dream of pride!

Monday, August 12, 2013

A horse for your thoughts?

Horses are always an interesting topic to shoot and study.  Each possess its' own unique and captivating personality.  Aloof, standoffish, shy or the opposite - friendly, curious and inquisitive.  These two geldings, our neighbors, greet us on our nightly strolls.  While photographing natures' abundant beauty, I am enthralled with the strong, steadfast beauty of the equine actors and their play of the animal kingdom.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ventura Highway in sunshine?

Some might ask - why move to the country and live in a RV?  Witness one of the multitude of spectacular sunsets or sunrises to get the answer.  An evening stroll can settle the mind after a long, weary day.  A brief glimpse at a sunrise can energize the soul, and give strength for the day ahead.  My wife and I walk these paths with our dogs and cat at night.  We listen to the river run past, the wind rustle through the trees and soak in the simplicity of life's abundant glory. 

"Go confidently in the direction  of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined." 
Henry David Thoreau