Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Ventura Highway on a Rocky Mountain High

A picture is worth a 1000 words, or so they say.  Alas, my friends, what do we have here?  Our dog Casey has taken to being a back seat driver, with a touch of side driving, too!  It's as though this clever canine gal has found a way in which to assist with navigation.  My wife is quite the winter driver.  Who would have thunk that a born & bred Southern California beach gal would have virtually no trouble on snow packed, 2 lane, mountain roads, with almost zero visibility?  She will attest the ability comes from battling the rain soaked Pacific Coast Highway commute, or the perils of the San Diego & Ventura Freeways on a Friday, just about 6p.m. The dog adds to the picture, and my wife obliges me the shot, by leaning forward so that we can depict just how AAA road tested our dog has become.

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