Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Dance of Cowboys Past

A recent trip provided an opportunity to capture the great, wide Wyoming in all its stark beauty.  Black and white depicts the depth, rage and power of the storm clouds as they hover upon the barren mesas.  Nature's epic majesty gives birth with the simplicity of black and white.  Where once Indians, deer, buffalo and cowboy heroes danced across these barren plains, bringing life and fireside stories - now extinct western dreams take shape with the echoes of all things past.  Look closely, as the storm clouds reflect the passionate tales of the old west.  The dance begins again.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hay and the Maze

Summer in Routt County, Colorado means hay.  Neatly wound bales of hay, creating somewhat of a maze throughout a freshly cut field.  In the background, the mighty Hahn's Peak.  This shot was captured on Hwy. 129, heading north towards the tall trees, dirt roads and eventually, the Wyoming border. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Road of 25+ cattle guards

A recent road trip discovered a path less taken.  Wyoming.  Banishing thoughts of  interstates and major thoroughfares, we found ourselves on a small county road that ran the length of Seminoe Reservoir, to the small town on Alcova.  Then heading east to the City of Casper, we spent the night before heading south towards Douglas, WY, voted one of the top 100 small towns in America.  Adventure abounds.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Resolute in Solitude

Lonely.  With a glance at this picture, some might  think "alone".  A solitary tree, resolute in its conviction to have survived the winter storm.  Why not resolute in strength, instead?   Often times, a picture gives dual meanings or interpretations.  Such could be the case with this photograph taken during the winter of 2011.  Black & white tends to leave the photo with much more power. 

..all in all, solitude means survivor.  outcast, I think not.  Powerful stance of  Mother Nature...alone, cradled in arms of comfort.  - Ann McArthur 7/12/13

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ride the American Dream

True grit west!  Hard work and honesty are the well worn principles that founded the wild west.  While America is floundering under the suffocating oppression of the white clueless collars in Washington, D.C., the American Cowboy toils away, paving a large swatch of dirt and dust for the American dream.  Freedom and a leather saddle, the rank, but sweet smell of sweat.  Manure piled along the way is evidence of the road and the journey.  Ride on American Cowboy and the  wilds of the West.

" ...my boots are worn.  shitkickers, covered in a bull's steaming pile stench,  like a badge of courage, tried, true and stiff with conviction.  I am the American Cowboy, and like my brethren before me,  I ride my trusted horse through the rough grass, protecting the dream of the wild west."

- Ann McArthur 7/11/13

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Red Fox Feet


Don't worry!  The white stuff has not begun to fall yet.  Summer is regaling us with warmth and immense sunshine.  This photograph, taken earlier this year - a snow covered out building.  The solitary footprints appeared to be from a fox; most likely seeking respite from a cold winter's night.  Fresh snow allows us to spy on the wilds of the animal kingdom - their tracks are evidence of their secretive night time frivolities.

...clever and cunning, the red fox dances effortlessly across the fields in search of adventure.  a ballet of sorts, every breath alive with imagination.   ann mcarthur 7/10/13

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Shadows of Steel

Take a look at this.  Can you guess as to what it is?  Often times, people adorn their property with markers - some "peace" of art that sets them apart from everyday residents.  Along the rambling county road that is a prelude to our camping spot, this well weathered metal animal greets us daily.  Have you discovered what this is?  The Elk, and the shadows are the antlers echoing across the steel body. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

...And Life Goes On...

Life.  Mother Earth controls it.  GOD oversees the process.  Our friendly neighborhood doe left us this weekend.  Victim to an accident,  she now gives back to the earth.  Her once agile and sleek body will provide food for other creatures.  We were blessed to experience her friendly and gentle grace for a few weeks.  Life is a mystery,  and when we appreciate the little gifts in nature, our life's experiences become more fulfilling.

...the doe danced effortlessly through the tall grass meadow, and I was blessed by her temporary presence.  all things must cease the cycle of living.  what we give back is the gift.  ...ann mcarthur 7/8/13 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Leather & Lace

Often times, Mother Nature reminds us that she truly  is the grand designer of all that is beauty. Forget Versace, Halston, Prada.  Amateurs! 

Graceful, yet rugged, delicate small white wild flowers become intertwined in cold, hard steel...almost as if performing some intricate lovelorn ballet movement.  For how can a pitch fork and lily white flowers within Mother Nature's kaleidoscope co-exist?

But, as with the age old beliefs of opposites attract, yin and yang, this heart of steel has become betwixt and between by the arousal of Mother Nature's passionate white flowers.

Leather & Lace  ...click on link for music

Monday, July 1, 2013

Busy as a Beaver

Has anyone watched a beaver while they work?  Our recent "digs" include a pond and 2 resident beavers.  Two large, well constructed damns are constantly experiencing upgrades.  My wife has nicknamed them  -  Burt and Ernie.  We suspect they are father and son as one of the furry creatures seems smaller and more eager to mimic the larger.  These 2 beavers can rest easy as we mean them no harm and thank them for the willingness to be part of the camera's view.