Equine markings can be mystical and mysterious. Look at this fellow! There is no doubt he stands out in a crowd. Moffat County, Colorado is the marathon site for the corralling of wild mustangs every spring, usually in May. Colorado's Highway 40 and MCR 318 from Sandwash Basin turn into the beaten path boulevard for a stampede of manes, tails and cowboys! We were fortunate to accompany this great western slice of life, and subsequently given the opportunity to come upon the masterfully painted white faced mustang.
"Of all the animals the horse is the best
friend of the Indian, for without it he could
not go on long journeys. A horse is the
Indian's most valuable piece of property. If
an Indian wishes to gain something, he
promises that if the horse will help him he
will paint it with native dye, that all may
see that help has come to him through the aid
of his horse."
---Brave Buffalo (late 19th century) Teton
Sioux medicine man
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